“I don’t understand. Why is it that the media only seems to talk about Africa when bad things happen?”
The man behind the counter at my hotel in the Ghanaian capital, Accra, was talking to me about my job, and why I was visiting.
He looked genuinely pained. He told me he is a big fan of the BBC – in west Africa the World Service and language services have a big following – but it seemed to him that the media outside the continent often only noticed when bad things happened.
as Africans we must foster a strong productive background of development and entrepreneurship to all ages and create a spirit of encouragement from businessmen and support from governments to create a better Africa for rural and urban life.
Thank you Claudette Kuziva Chuma for this comment. Fully agreed, this is the answer to a developed and sustained Africa. Those who have walked the road of entrepreneurship must now come alongside as both cheerleaders and mentors for the new batch of entrepreneurs. We need to build bridges across all divides so that together we can move forward.